#include <more/lang/ct_struct.h>
Inheritance diagram for more::lang::ct_struct:
. More...Classes are built on top of this.
A bidirectionaly iterator over the range of const members.
A bidirectionaly iterator over the range of members.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Construct a new struct. Do not provide a name for types to be defined in a package. |
Append an anonymous member to the structure.
Append a named member to the structure.
Append an inherited type to the structure. This inheritance is not layout compatible with C++.
The C identifier of this type.
Return a clone of structure description.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Constructor the object at p as a copy of src.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Destruct the object at p.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
True iff the objects at p0 and p1 are equal.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Find an inherited type t as any subtype of
If such a type is fond, return the
Inform that the description is completed.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
True if
The range over members, including inheritance members.
The number of members, including inheritance members.
Print the part of the declaration which succeeds the variable or function name.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Print the part of the declaration which precedes the variable or function name.
Reimplemented from more::lang::ct_type. |
Prints the definition as C/C++ source code. For C print_forward must also be called before print_definition to create a valid source file. For both languages it is a good idea to print all forward declarations first in case a structure contains a pointer to a type defined after its definition. |
Prints a forward declaration as C/C++ source code.
Project ptr of pointer to this type to a pointer to inherited type t. Return 0 if t is not an inherited type. |
Set the C identifier for this type.