#include <more/phys/bcs.h>
Collaboration diagram for more::phys::BCS_solver:
. More...Energy
Show each step of the iteration iff value is
Return the coupling strength.
Return the Fermi energy λ.
Return the value of the verbosity option.
Return the number of occupied states.
Return the pairing gap Δ.
Return the pairing energy.
Return the precision.
Set the coupling strength.
Set the number of occupied states = the number of particles.
Set the wanted precision for Δ and λ.
Enable smooth cut to window with energies from cut_low to cut_high, bondaries being smeared over a range cut_width.
If doing smooth cut, return true and return the details in the arguments, else return false.
Take the energy levels and solve the BCS equations.
Return $u$ for the given energy.
Return $v$ for the given energy.