Types like half-integers, spinors and spin operators. A supposedly strong hash function (but don't use it for security). Various mathematical functions.
Decodes a 64 bits number encoded with encode64_alnum. This function may me moved to another header and namespace. |
Decode an integer encoded with encode_alnum.
Decode an integer encoded with encode_alpha.
Encodes a 64 bits numbers into 1 ASCII alphabetic followed by 10 ASCII alphanumeric characters. This function may me moved to another header and namespace. |
Encode an integer in the range [0..62) as an alphanumeric ASCII character.
Encode an integer in the range [0.. 52) as an alphabetic ASCII character. |
Returns a 32 bits encoding of 6 lower case characters. This may be useful for putting tags into hashes. Picking a random number does the same effect, though macro can increases readability, and together with a consistent scheme help avoid collisions without resorting to big random numbers. All sequences of letters of the same case will give differt values. Mixing lower case letters with uppercase or digits may lead to collitions. |